Autel EVO II Dual Camera Parameter Specs

Autel EVO II Dual Camera Parameter Specs

The EVO II Dual's dual-sensor camera includes an 8K camera plus an infrared imaging camera. It can operate in two modes: single-sensor or dual-sensor PIP. In addition the camera takes infrared images at a resolution of 640 x 512 and records videos at 60nFPS (United States) or 9FPS (Other countries)

Display modes switch: Three display modes can be selected:

  • Visible --Only 8K camera displays
  • Infrared --Only infrared imaging camera displays
  • PIP --Both cameras display

In Visible, Photo Parameters and Video Parameters are totally same as EVO II 8K Camera Parameter  

EVO II Dual Camera Parameters (Infrared)

Photo Parameters (Infrared)

Parameter Available Values Default Value
Size 640 x 512 640 x 512
Format JPG JPG
Color White hot, Black hot, Rainbow, RainHC,Iron-bow,Lava,Arctic,Glowbow,Graded Fire,Hottest Lava
Digital Zoom 1.0X - 8.0X 1.0X

Video Parameters (Infrared)

Parameter Available Values Default Value
Format MOV, MP4 MOV
Resolution 640 x 512 640 x 512
Frame Rate 9 FPS, 30 FPS, 50FPS 60 FPS
Color White hot, Black hot, Rainbow, RainHC,Iron-bow,Lava,Arctic,Glowbow,Graded Fire,Hottest Lava
Digital Zoom 1.0X - 8.0X 1.0X

EVO II Dual Photo Parameters (Picture in Picture)

Photo Parameters (Picture in Picture)

In Photo mode each snap will generate 3 photos at the same time including:

  1. 640x512 thermal imaging photo
  2. 4K visible photo
  3. Picture-in-picture photo.
Parameter Available Values Default Value
1.Size 640 x 512 640 x 512
2. Size 4K (3840 x 2160) 4K (3840 x 2160)
3. Size 1920 x 1080
1280 x 720
According to the image transmission settings, if set to HD, it will record 1080P video.
Format JPG JPG
Color White hot, Black hot, Rainbow, RainHC,Iron-bow,Lava,Arctic,Glowbow,Graded Fire,Hottest Lava

Photo Parameters (Picture in Picture)

In Video mode each recording will generate 3 videos at the same time including:

  1. 640x512 thermal imaging video
  2. 4K visible video
  3. Picture-in-picture video
Parameter Available Values Default Value
Format MOV, MP4 MOV
1.Resolution(Visible) 4K (3840 x 2160) 4K (3840 x 2160)
2.Resolution(PIP) 1920 x 1080
1280 x 720
According to the image transmission settings, if set to HD, it will record 1080P video.
3.Resolution(Infrared) 640 x 512 640 x 512
Frame Rate 9 FPS, 30 FPS 30 FPS
Color White hot, Black hot, Rainbow, RainHC,Iron-bow,Lava,Arctic,Glowbow,Graded Fire,Hottest Lava