C186 Propeller 6 Axis Electronic Gyro RC Helicopter
1. The single propeller is designed without ailerons, the 6-axis electronic gyroscope is stabilized, and the barometer is added to fix the height, making the flight more stable and easier to control!
2, Long battery life!
3. The product upgrade adopts PA\PC mixed material to be more resistant to impact! The shape is scaled down according to the real machine, which can not only control the flight but also be used as a decoration. The battery life of C186 can reach about 15 minutes!
Product full function:
1; Aileronless design, using aerodynamic principles to design the propeller to provide strong power and self-stability of the body. Simple 4-channel design, ultra-stable flight with 6-axis gyroscope;
2; The barometer is fixed at altitude, and the flight is stable;
3; Modular battery, intelligent power management system, power indicator, convenient and quick installation, effective protection of the battery, longer service life;
4; Rising, descending, forward, backward, left flying, right flying, left rotation, right rotation, route flight, brush pot and other stunt actions;
5; 6G mode, using 6-axis gyroscope, stable flight, especially suitable for beginners to fly;
6; Low voltage alarm, stall protection, runaway protection, large and small rudder volume conversion, one-key take-off, one-key landing and other functions;
7; Equipped with a dedicated USB charger, fast and stable charging;
8; Flight time: about 13 minutes, charging time: about 40 minutes, 2.4G remote control, remote control distance 80-100 meters.

Beyondsky Technology(Shenzhen)Co.、Ltd. 深圳で 2012 年に設立され、150 人以上の従業員を擁するインテリジェント ハードウェア サービス プロバイダーであり、Autel、Fimi などと長期にわたる強力な協力関係を確立しています。 私たちは中国最大のドローンインテグレーターとしてよく知られており、強力で体系的な海外販売業務、ロジスティクス、税関、倉庫のサプライチェーンサービスを提供しています。 BEYONDSKYは市場で評判と尊敬を集めています。
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